Added by Andre Schoonbee over 10 years ago
I am new to this and want to know a little more about the document plugin:
Will it be possible to have access control on documents. What I need is to define which groups may have access, read only or edit access to documents or document folders.
Will the document plugin be able to provide this functionality?
Replies (1)
Hi Andre,
you can assign a user or group specific permissions to assign a user read-only or edit access to documents.
In order to do this you need to edit an existing role or create a new role (‘Modules’ > ‘Administration’ > ‘Roles and permissions’).
If you want a user / group to only be able to view, but not edit document folders, assign the permission “View documents” (in the ‘Documents’ section in the overview of a role (‘Roles and Permissions’)) but not the permission “Manage documents”.
If instead a user should be able to edit documents, assign both permissions to the relevant role.
Next, assign a user or a group with one of the roles to a project (e.g. go to the project, select “Project settings”, “Members” tab and search the user and the relevant role).