Added by Joe Davis 22 days ago
OpenProject 15.3.1
MS Edge 133.0.3065.92
When using any dialog in OP, if I click and drag to the left with my mouse, the dialog is dismissed/closed. I often highlight text to change its formatting or remove it by clicking to the right of the text and dragging to the left.
Mouse gestures are turned off in Edge settings. This only closes dialogs, it doesn't cause the browser to 'go back' to the previous page. There is no warning that I will lose unsaved data.
Can this be disabled?
Replies (1)
Hi Joe,
I guess you discovered an unintended behavior of this modal. That's why I just created a bug report for it:
Thanks to your video, it was easy to reproduce this. Please do not hesitate to add further context as a comment to the above mentioned bug report in case I missed something.