Added by Andrew Herbert about 1 month ago
Environment: DEB package
Your OpenProject Version: 15.2.0
Operating System / Browser / Language: Debian 12
No browser errors beyond the banner pop-up "Unable to create the repository with the selected configuration. Received an invalid response from the managed remote."
openproject logs
doesn't print anything (probably a bug with the installation on its own). No relevant errors in journalctl web-1 or worker-1.
Steps to reproduce:
Set up the openproject site to support SVN, including adding an API key. Created a new project and went into project settings to set up an SVN repo. Selected SVN, managed, clicked create, error pops up instead.
Actual Behavior
An error banner shows on the website with the message "Unable to create the repository with the selected configuration. Received an invalid response from the managed remote."
Expected Behavior
An SVN repo is created for the project and given a checkout URL.
Note: in the same openproject website there is another project with SVN already integrated.
Replies (2)
scm configuration in configuration.yaml:
I have found the source of the issue: repoman is set to listen on However on my openproject server I had port 80 reserved for traefik to handle reverse proxy, and I changed the virtual host in apache to listen on port 82. However the openproject config's repoman url has to be changed as well.
in /etc/openproject/conf.d/other update REPOMAN_URL to the port which openproject http is listening on
same for /opt/openproject/packaging/addons/repositories/bin/postinstall in case you run reconfigure
Update the virtualhost in /etc/openproject/addons/apache2/includes/server/20_repoman_svn_vhost.conf to match the port
set the port to listen on in apache2's sites-enabled conf
Suggestion for future OpenProject versions: during the configuration script, prompt the user for an http and https port to listen on, and set the repoman url to use the http port.