install open project in WHM Cpanel
Added by Josh Rudzek 3 months ago
I'm trying to figure out how to install openProject on my bluehost vps. I have that server running websites already and thought I would try to get a project manager going as well. The server is running AlmaLinux v9.5.0 STANDARD cPanel Version 124.0.
I did the install and had 2 errors, but want to confirm I did the setup properly.
I have root access to my server at I have a full whm account there and my dev sites ( are run under a separate cPanel account. I want the projects to run on my dev account as
I installed postgres and it seems to be running fine.
I went into my cpanel for and created a subdomain (this site has an ssl and is publicly reachable.)
I created a db and attached a user with PostgreSQL Database Wizard in cpanel.
I then went back to my terminal in ROOT WHM and ran these commands:
Following this link for openproject:
sudo wget
then this
sudo dnf config
lastly this
sudo yum install openproject
The installation completed. and then I needed to run the config (which I also did from the whm terminal.)
I didn't add a new apache2 server or memcached my server already had those. for the FQDN (fully qualified domain. I set it to The config confirmed it connected to the database but nothing loads at this url.
I did confirm that the openproject directory installed at opt/openproject of the root of my server.
How do I get it to load to the url This is the url in a directory for the subcpanel.
Replies (2)
is there anyone who may have some insight?
Is openProject Community Dead?