Good start (in openproject) seems to bring the CPU to 100%
Added by Martin Heitmann 4 months ago
Hi there,
I just installed OpenProject under Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. My problem is that after a restart my system slows down to the bottom, because both CPUs (or cores) are dealing with 100% ruby processes. This immeadiately stops when I stop openproject with
"sudo systemctl stop openproject". However, this does not solve the problem. As it seems every few seconds one of the ruby processes ends and another comes up with 100% CPU usage again. Then I searched for more information:
ps -fp 17138
openpro+ 17138 17111 99 11:35 ? 00:00:03 /opt/openproject/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.3.0/bin/good_job start
So, it seems that it has something to do with good_job. But I don't know how to handle that. I'm not a ruby developer.
I already switched from the apt version of ruby (3.2) to the snap version (3.3), but this did not make any difference.
In earlier attempts I also rebooted the system, restarted apache2, and restartet postgresql. However, nothing worked and as far as this cannot be solved I cannot use openproject.
Best regards
Update with a workaround:
In the meantime I could solve my problem, but rather by accident and I do not know how reliable it is. What I did:
sudo apt-get remove --purge openproject
sudo apt-get install openproject
sudo openproject configure
And then I did not restart anything. I just had to wait a short moment and the ruby processes' CPU usage went down. But I have no clue why and how this solved the issue.