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Failed to build development docker image
Added by Alexander Aleschenko 3 months ago
I've just wiped all internals of my docker instance(containers, images, volumes, everything) and trying to install dev environment again but getting error while openproject/dev image is being built. Anyone experience same behaviour?
Result of docker compose run --rm backend setup
=> ERROR [backend develop 15/24] RUN apt install watchexec-cli 0.5s
> [backend develop 15/24] RUN apt install watchexec-cli:
0.110 WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.
0.114 Reading package lists...
0.378 Building dependency tree...
0.440 Reading state information...
0.483 E: Unable to locate package watchexec-cli
failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c apt install watchexec-cli" did not complete successfully: exit code: 100
Linux. x86. OP v14.6.3
Besides of that why watchexec at all? Guard gem can do that already, something like that. Made this PR in feb, but looks like no one interested in that way. Also interesing moment — OP already has Guardfile, unusable, but existing.
Replies (1)
yeah, I have the same problem
system: MacOS