Added by KC Administrator 5 months ago
How can I set up a default assignee to a certain work package type if a new work package of this type is created?
I was told this worked once, but doesn't anymore.
To clarify, I mean the following:
Go to the project
Click on the + to create a new work package
Now for example for the type "ORDER" there should be a default assignee in the people's field set
This is not working.
Thanks for any advice.
Replies (2)
Hello KC Admin,
there is indeed no default setting for this currently. However, there is already a Feature Request in place
I added a +1 vote for you. Please add your comments to this work package in case you miss something in the description.
Even though it does not 100% fit your use case, these features could at least ease your workflows slightly:
Custom action
You can add a button that appears on top of the work package details when e.g. an ORDER gets created. This button can perform several actions at once. For example it could change the status from new to order confirmed and select the user sales team as assignee.
Detailed description:
Make use of work package filters
OpenProject tries to use values you filtered for when your create a new work package from a filtered view. An example: Navigate to the work packages list and add a filter: assignee = me
Now, click on the [+ Create] button above and select a work package type. The new work package will have your user already selected as assignee ⤵️
To make use of this, you could create a new view called e.g. "New Orders" that has the right user pre-selected as assignee filter. When your colleagues create new work packages from this view, the assignee should already be selected.
Thanks for your answer and the tips.
Best option would be to have this feature implemented. :)