Added by Shadid Haque 7 months ago
Unlike work and remaining work, story points are not rolling up to parent. I dont think this is intentional but a bug. Anyone have any solution. I found an 8 year old post where this bug was identified but still doesnt seem to be fixed. Would appreciate if anyone have any solution.
Replies (4)
see below how work and remaining work rolls up but story points dont.
Hi Shadid,
the mechanism behind work and remaining work is especially developed to display and calculate sums like this. If you want to find out more on this topic, this blog post might be interesting for you:
Other integer fields (custom fields) also do not sum up that way.
However, you can calculate sums in the work package table using the work package table configuration [1]
If you group the table by version and activate sums, your table could e.g. look like this:
Additionally, the Backlogs module is also designed to display sums of story points per version by default:
However, I did not locate a feature request that aims for story points to be handled like times (work, remaining work) in the work package table. I would be glad if you could point me to the work package you mentioned. Alternatively, I encourage you to add feature request. [2]
Here is the old bug/feature request I found in another post. It is very old, but if this was implemented this would have been very very helpful in planning. <<-- see point number 4.
Hello Shadid,
thank you for pointing to this forum post. It indeed aged a bit. The linked work package does not seem to be available anymore. That could have various reasons.
However, reading the whole thread, it seems like this aimed to fix a bug in the backlogs module where story points did not add up. That has been fixed. Story points in backlogs add up (see my previous screenshot above).
I presume this does not solve the initial question you raised though. Thus, I would be glad if you could describe your user story in detail and add this as a feature request.
Please find here a guide on how to do this:
That way, you stay informed of all changes/comments/progress on this feature automatically via notifications. From what I get out of your question, your user story could e.g. look like this:
As a SCRUM master/agile project manager
I want story points to be summarized within their hierarchy (like work/remaining work) in the work package list
so that I get a better overview of the workload for my team and can work with custom views for this