Added by Gregor Buergisser 6 months ago
Hi all,
we are currently using OpenProject 13.4.1 Community Edition and frequently encounter an error which seems related to the fixed bug #52641. Out users report a complete deletion of the workpackage body content. Unfortunately nobody can tell me what they are exactly doing when this happens. So no steps to reproduce, alas.
The main consent seems to be that it happens in workpackages with a quite big and complex descriptions, especially containing big tables. One user was able to provide a screenshot of a CKEditor error message. The message is "A is undefined". The mentioned URL does not reveal any further details, there is no such paragraph on the CKEditor support site.
I would have filed a bug. But without any further information as how to reproduce this doesn't seems appropriate.
Does any body else know of this problem? Any ideas on how to proceed?
Thanks for your replies!