Added by Darcy Yeoman 6 months ago
We have setup many different categories in a larger project.
We were able to filter work packages using a category.
That filter is no longer working.
When we select Category as a filter none of the categories appear in the list.
We can successfully filter by Category if we choose "is empty' or "is not empty".
Categories work in other projects as expected but not in the larger project.
We are not aware of any changes that were made that would effect this.
Does anyone have any experience with this issue? Is there a solution to restore the function of the categories in this project?
I've searched the forums but to no avail.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Replies (3)
Hello Darcy,
could you share a few more insights on your current OpenProject setup and the project structure your are using?
Which OpenProject version are you using?
What happens when you filter by category = is not empty and then select one of the results? Are the categories displayed within the work packages at least?
Are your categories set up so that they also have an assignee? Is the larger project a sub-project of other projects? Or does the filter works in sub-projects of the larger project?
Hello Alexander,
Thank you for your reply - I am part of the same team as Darcy Yeoman above, and am the individual experiencing most of the issues. I can provide some more details.
To answer your questions:
Our OP setup has numerous (>30) parent projects, with a few sub-projects below those. ~60 total. None of these other projects are used as heavily, or are experiencing issues.
The Project having issues started as an independent project, but now has 3 sub-projects below it. The 3 sub projects have not been used or had work packages created within.
Our current version of OP is 13.14
When filtering by category = is not empty, OP recognizes the categories and each WP dispay's the current category. Any time the category drop-down is attempted to be selected, it remains RED and will not show any options. This occurs any time the category filter drop down is trying to be interacted with (see photo below)
Some categories are set up to have an automatic assignee.
No, this project is a parent project.
Yes, filters work in sub projects of this issue project
As for new issues - Recently when COPYING this issue project (without any members being copied being the only copy change made), it deleted ALL work packages that had a child or parent relationship with any other work package. It not only did not copy these to the copy project, but it also deleted the tasks from the main project. We are struggling to find a way to get these work packages back.
Any help or insight is appreciated.
- Brandon
Hi Brandon,
thank you for adding so much context! I wonder whether this may be caused by the project hierarchy. Categories can only be used in the project they are created in. So if you create a category in "Project A" and then create sub-project "Project B" from Project A, then you cannot use the categories set up in Project A within Project B.
However, if configure the work package table in Project A so that it displays also work packages of Project B, then the categories from Project B would also be shown in your Project A work package table. You won't be able to select the categories from Project A then though.
Does this bug report sound similar to you? ->
Alternatively, do you maybe see any error message in your browser console when you try to select a category there? [1]