Added by Stephen Nesbitt 7 months ago
Absolutely tearing my hair out trying to get the 14.2-slim Docker container with docker compose functioning. The fundamental problem is that after logging on I get a blank page. I've opened a browser console and see js not found and not executable errors (See attached).
Setup is as follows:
docker image 14.2-slim
multiple container implementation (using provided docker-compose file with OPENPROJECT_HOST__NAME provided as an environment variable on the commandline.
Caddy reverse proxy in front transfering OPENPROJECT_HOST__NAME to localhost:8080.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Replies (3)
Having the same problem. Docker 14.1-slim update to 14.2-slim, last week.
Tried stop/start, pulling again, checks directories rights and ownership...
My .env file (untouched since 1 year) :
Any ideas ? I will try to solve this and post any solution found.
Best regards,
Stephen Nesbitt wrote:
Hi Stephen,
That sounds really frustrating. I've encountered similar issues before. One thing you might want to check is whether the static files are being correctly served. Sometimes, missing JS files can cause the blank page issue. Make sure your Docker container has the right permissions to access and serve these files. Also, double-check your Caddy reverse proxy configuration to ensure it's correctly forwarding requests. Hopefully, this helps, but let us know how it goes or if you find another solution!
I'm still stuck with this issue. I made some progress today, as a new container I tried has the same problem.
The webpages are loaded, except images, CSS and scripts I think.
Here are screenshots of login webpages from my openproject instance and a fresh new hedgedoc instance created from their example.
The openproject instance is still backup normally everyday, stills not useable.
My server is an Alpine Linux, openproject and hedgedoc created from docker compose.
Even not direclty linked to openproject, do someone could advise me some things to check ? I'm guessing some user rights, but which ones for both dokers at a same time ?
Thanks in advance,