Added by Gregor Buergisser 9 months ago
Hello all
My enterprise is running the community edition (self hosted) and we recently upgrade from 13.2.1 to 13.4.1. Now there are several users reporting the missing of previuosly defined workpackage queries.
That is: Some of the queries/reports that were visible in the left "Work packages" sidebar are now missing. Some of the missing reports are private ones, some are public reports.
Altough I don't now that much about the architecture of OpenProject I have checked the Postgresql database: The queries are still present in the 'queries' table. I can't find any difference to the ones that are still visible in the web ui.
Has anyone experienced the same problem?
Any ideas how to fix it, how to make the queries reappear in the ui?
Thank you all for your help!
Replies (3)
Hi Geregor,
My guess would be that out of some reasons some of the views get lost during the Update.
Could you check in your database if the queries you don't see anymore has an entry in the view table in the database.
As example you could use the following SQL-Query to check if the view of a query is missing:
Best regards
Hi Tizian,
Thank you for your reply! I have tried your suggestion. It seems that the missing queries are still available in the views table.
Here an expample:
While executing several select statements and playing around I noticed that some views have type
and others have typework_packages_table
. So I simply tried to change the type of a missing view and set it towork_packages_table
- and there you go - it miraculously reappears! 🤩Best regards,
Hi Gergor,
In this case the reason why you don't see the Queries anymore is the separation of the gantt chart in an own module:
The queries with the gantt type are moved to new gannt module and aren't shown in the query section of the workpackages anymore
Best regards