Added by Tomás M 10 months ago
Create tickets from e-mails with Custom field
Hello, greetings to all and thanks in advance for your help.
I am configuring the option to create and update work packages, for now it works, at least the part that creates new tasks does so without problems. I have used the following guide: and even though there is a section explaining in very superficial ways, how to add information to the custom fields , I have not been able to do it.
openproject run bundle exec rake redmine:email:receive_imap host='' username='test_user' password='password' port=993 ssl=true ssl_verification=true allow_override=type,project project=test_project
I tried with: Custom field:, Custom_field_3=Test Requester=test , etc, etc. I have tried this by adding the configuration to openproject run bundle exec rake. If any of you know how to do it, I will greatly appreciate it. Greetings
Replies (3)
I guess my ticket did not arouse the interest of the community that visits this forum
Hi Tomás,
great that you already managed to create new work packages via e-mail. I just tried it by myself. The custom field type you used (usuario) looks up a user account by the ID of that user account.
That's the way it worked for me:
Created new custom field called "User Custom Field" type = user (= "usuario")
Added that custom field to a work package type (= Bug)
Then, I sent a e-mail, plain text, as you did before using the ID of a user account that is member of the project I wanted to add a work package to. I used this format:
This created a new work package and added the user account with the ID 5 ⤵️
How to quickly look up the user account id:
Navigate to administration -> users and permissions -> users and click on a user name.
The URL then contains the ID of this user -> https://youropenproject.domain/users/1
I hope this helps you using custom fields within your workflow.
Thank you for your response, but what I would like to do is have the emails that arrive in the account automatically fill in certain fields. I do this with the command
openproject run bundle exec rake
. I use the command with the instructions you provided, but it doesn't work. I must be doing something wrong.openproject run bundle exec rake redmine:email:receive_imap host='' username='test_user' password='password' port=993 ssl=true ssl_verification=true allow_override=type,project project=soporte-ti no_permission_check=1 type=Ticket priority=normal assigned_to=Sistemas/TI status=Nuevo Solicitante Custom Field=3