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Added by Abhi Chaturvedi 11 months ago
Can you edit the question mark(Getting Started icon) from top header from the admin view
There is no config option I know of. You would likely have to fork the repository and exchange the asset (or exchange the file directly in your local install). The latter assuming that you are hosting this yourself, of course.
Hi Abhi,
there is an environment variable that might solve this for you:
OPENPROJECT_FORCE__HELP__LINK (default=nil) You can set a custom URL for the help button in application header menu.
Please find here a guide on environment variables:
Replies (2)
There is no config option I know of. You would likely have to fork the repository and exchange the asset (or exchange the file directly in your local install). The latter assuming that you are hosting this yourself, of course.
Hi Abhi,
there is an environment variable that might solve this for you:
Please find here a guide on environment variables: