Added by Slava Garipov 12 months ago
Hello there! I'm having trouble adding a new relation called 'start_follows' to OP. I've configured it to be equivalent to the 'follows' relation, but it's not working as expected. I have a record in db that relation is created, but here is the issue:
I have two tasks, 2454 and 2459(you can see at screenshot in Relations table). When I try to change the dates for task 2454, task 2459 also changes due to the OP's schedule dependency logic.
However, when I try to change the same dates for task 2459 in the same way, the schedule dependency does not find a 'to_id' of relation and task 2454 does not change.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could please take a look at this and provide me with some advice, maybe I missed something?
(dont know, maybe I need some migration to rebuild Node or something else...)
UPD: I have tried this migration, but it doesn't seem to help
def change
UPD2: PLEASE CHECK to see attachments