Configuring HTTPS on OpenProject with Cloudflared tunnel
Added by Jason Owens 7 months ago
Hello Everyone,
I recently set up OpenProject on a server on my LAN and configured a Cloudflare tunnel to allow access to it from the internet. The tunnel itself appears to be working fine because I can access OpenProject, log in, and edit things, etc. However, because I used the default HTTP setting, it always shows the warnings at the bottom when using it. I would like to set it up properly for external SSL termination according to the documentation, since my cloudflared tunnel uses HTTPS already on the internet-facing side. However, I'm not sure how to get into the docker container and make the needed adjustments.
When I run `docker ps` on the server, it doesn't list any of the containers, though I know they are running since I can access the front end. I originally followed the instructions in the Quick Start guide to install it:
git clone --depth=1 --branch=stable/13 openproject
cd openproject/compose
docker-compose pull
OPENPROJECT_HTTPS=false docker-compose up -d
Any help/guidance on this would be greatly appreciated. I have it installed on a server running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
Jason O
Replies (1)
Hi Json,
To use OpenProject behind Cloudflare you would start the container with OPENPROJECT_HTTPS variable set to true and you need also to set the OPENPROJECT_HOST__NAME variable to you external host name.
OPENPROJECT_HTTPS=true OPENPROJECT_HOST__NAME="your.external.domain" docker compose up -d
Also you need to set send the "X-Forwarded-Proto 'https'" header from your Cloudflare reverse proxy to OpenProject.
You can read more about that here:
Best regards