Added by Maurice Kunze 11 months ago
i want openproject to calculate the Done-% of some phases in a project based on the work package status.
In the attached picture you can see that some work packages in the phase have a certain %-done but the percentage of the phase above wont change accordingly.
Is there some setting i missed or what could be the problem?
Replies (5)
Hello Maurice,
I assume you already switched the work package setting that defines how progress is calculated. [1]
Did you maybe switch this later on after you already created the work packages shown in your screenshot? Do you have values for the status defined (e.g. "in Bearbeitung" = 50%) via Administration -> work packages -> status -> in Bearbeitung -> % complete?
If you switched this (maybe more than one time), my guess is that the calculation got lost for already existing work packages. Does it work for new work packages?
Hello Alexander,
yes values are defined fot the status.
Is also doesnt work for newly created work packages. The done percentage for the work package is updated accordingly to the percentage set for the status in the administration but for the phase itself is isnt calculated then. For the phase it will stay on 0% as you can see in the picture.
When i tested it before with the option "Use the work package field" it worked without a problem.
Hello Maurice,
thank you for adding additional context. I could not reproduce this with a 13.4.1 Cloud account, unfortunately. Which version are you currently using (Administration -> Information)? There has been a bug fixed with 13.3.1 that sounds slightly related: #33961 [1] Maybe an update would solve this for you?
we are using OpenProject On-Prem with the latest version OpenProject 13.4.1.
Way maybe need to look at the details of your installation here. Could you please reach out to our support e-mail address regarding that topic?