Added by Tobias Braun about 6 years ago
When you create a new Backlog in the project settings you can select a Sharing option:
Would be nice if someone could give us a a more detailed explanation, in the documentation it seems to be missing.
We played a bit with the backlogs and created one in the root of a project hierarchy (Demo project) with the sharing option With project hierarchy.
Now we go to a sub project (TestSub) and add an item to one of the backlog. We would now assume to see this items from the sub projects in the backlog of the root project, but it is not visible. In the sub project we would only see the items part of this project.
When you go to the Roadmap they will be displayed. Is this correct behavior or is this a bug?
Replies (2)
Hello Mr. Braun,
sorry for the delayed response.
Regarding your questions:
The sharing options have the following meaning:
It is indeed correct that the sharing options only impact the version itself (as well as the roadmap) - but not the Backlogs page.
The Backlogs page only displays work packages in the current project.
As an outlook: In the medium term the Backlogs page is going to be replaced by a board view which will allow a more flexible configuration.
Best regards,
Dear Robin,
it seems that this info is still missing from the documentation: can you please add it?
Thanks in advance, best regards