Added by SIddharth L about 1 year ago
Hi All,
I'm feeding data to the Open Project using an API. Sometimes, I will need to fetch the same data and updates might be required. For that, I need a unique identifier. For example, "Subject" is the field that I want to lock, so the user should edit it. Then, I will retrieve and patch the data using the API.
Or possible to create Hidden Field that can used in API ?
Kindly Support to resolve the issue.
My Sample Data of Subject: XX-000-0001, This will never change thought the Task.
Replies (1)
I am not sure I understand your problem exactly.
But as far as a "hidden field" is concerned: if you create a custom field, it will not show to users until you add it to the form configuration for your work package types (e.g., http://<your OP host>/types/1/edit/form_configuration).
As long as a field can be moved around in that form definition, you can effectively "deactivate" it by dragging it into the grey box with inactive fields to the right. This will also make the field disappear for users, but it certainly is a way to avoid edits happening to the field.
Fields like subject and status cannot be hidden, however.