Added by Luan Marques over 1 year ago
How and where in the OpenProject database can I view deleted activity rows from the planning? I'm creating a dashboard, but it's also fetching the deleted rows. How do I differentiate between what has been deleted or not?
These activities, in attachments, were deleted.
Replies (3)
sorry I'm not sure if I understand right what you are trying to do. In the screenshot this looks like the work_packages table.
If you try to fetch deleted work packages this is not possible because they will be delete from the table when they are delete in OpenProject.
If that's not what you are trying to do could you explain it to me with more details?
Hello Tizian, how are you? When I delete work packages in OpenProject, they don't disappear from the database table. I would like to know if there is any flag or parameter that I can see in the table indicating that the work package was deleted. The example in the screenshot shows work packages deleted in OpenProject, but they are still appearing in the database table. Thank you.
My question is about this.
I removed the work packages in OpenProject, but they still appear in the table.
The question is:
Why? Or how can I see the difference between the removed work packages?
In my screenshot, I see that work packages have been removed from OpenProject.