Added by musab cabuk over 1 year ago
Hi guys,
Ive a question regarding the API Endpoint "Budget".
For a while now it sais "Budgets are currently only implemented as a stub. Further properties of budgets might be added at a future date, however they will require the view budget permission to be displayed."
Ive been wondering. Will this be adressed soon? Because I need to be able to get the Budget Data throu the Endpoint.
Kind regards
Replies (3)
Hi Musab,
maybe this feature request includes the changes you need to retrieve the data you need via API:
Please add you vote and/or comment to help specifying this feature further.
Alexander Stock wrote:
Hi Alexander,
on the roadmap ive seen the feature request of the workpackage 42636.
I would like to develop that.
Hi Musab,
that's great news! I saw that you contacted Oliver directly within this work package and that he also set the community contributor assigned.
Please check out our contribution guide for more information: