Added by Jeroen Houwen about 10 years ago
I do like to create a subproject of a project so that our customer can create bugs as a story in a version. I share this version but then i only see a empty version in the related project. Is it possible to share a version and also share all the stories in this version?
Replies (13)
Hello Jeroen,
sorry for the late reply.
It is possible to display work packages of subprojects in the Roadmap of the parent project.
Once you create and share a version with the subprojects and add work packages in the subproject to the shared version, you can display the work packages of the child project in the Roadmap of the main project.
In order to do this, check “Subprojects” in the filter section on the left side of “Roadmap”.
You can also configure OpenProject to display work packages of subprojects in the parent project by default. To do this, go to Modules > Administration > Settings > Work package tracking tab and check “Display subproejcts work packages on main project by default”.
Alternatively you can use the work package filter in the main project and include “Subproject” in your filter.
Hi Robin,
Thanks! But it is not possible to see the tasks in the shared version in the ‘Backlogs’ tab?
Kind Regards,
Hi Jeroen,
you’re right.
Unfortunately, work packages in shared version cannot be displayed in the Backlogs tab at the moment.
Feel free however to create a feature request for this behavior in the Wish List.
I’m also interested in this functionality. And i kinda expected that the Backlogs-view also can see (shared) the same hiërachical work packages as the Roadmap-view.
(My intention: I want to have 1 main project with several sub-projects. Each subproject can register and manage its work packages. These are all shared. But agile planning / sprints should only be managed at the main-project level.)
Can you please tell me the current status on this issue?
Kind regards,
Hi Wim,
currently the option to see work packages from subprojects in the backlog is not yet available.
For now you would have to use the work package list which enables this option (see comment above ). Alternatively, you can create parent-child relationships (or “related” relationships) between the work packages (e.g. epics) in your main project and the work packages (e.g. user stories) in your subprojects. This would allow you to at least see the work packages in the subproject which are associated with a work package in the main project by opening the work package in the main project.
In the longer term it is planned to properly re-implement the backlogs feature and - in this context - also to be able to better choose which work packages to display.
Best regards,
Hello Robin,
Thanks for the fast response. I had already discovered the approaches (parent-child, …) that you’ve mentoined in your reply; but it is imho not sufficient in my case. I actually want to plan the detailed subproject’s work packages at the main project-level (via de backlogs-view). But that is the issue - as we know - those detailed work packages aren’t visible on that main project backlog level.
I guess i’ll have to work with a single (main) project and ‘mark’ the subproject’s specific work packages via some property of the work package (most likely “work package category”).
Looking forward to next version of this plugin. Anyway, thanks for your reply. Please keep me informed.
We miss such feature (sharing an sprint within a project hierarchy), too!!!
It could be configurable, so that possible to choose….
Is this still the case, or is there a workaround since the original posts were made?
We've gone into sub-projects and set Version "Sharing" to "With project hierarchy", and then select the parent project, and go to Backlogs, then the different Versions/Sprints show up, but they're empty. Is there a way to get the tasks to show up there?
We'd like to be able to manage tasks at the project level in order to allocate and track them. The Kanban/Task board has great features, but we'd really like to be able to select a project and see all of the tasks within the subprojects.
Any thoughts or tips welcomed!
Hi Danny,
the backlogs view only shows the work packages which are located in the current project - even if the version is shared.
To see all work packages assigned to the version (in the different projects), you can use the work package page or the roadmap view.
We will implement a separate boards view which will allow you to display work packages located in the current project and located in subprojects in one board.
Best regards,
Hi Robin,
WHEN will you implement that Board? It is a main feature to work with more than one project in a sprint and the issue is five(!) years old ...
Hi Ingo,
the new board view will be introduced with the next OpenProject version (OpenProject 9.0) which is already feature-complete and currently in stabilization.
You find details in this work package: #29261.
Thanks Robin - that's great news.
Thanks Robin for your fast reply :-) Yes, that's great news