Added by Iancul 1981 over 10 years ago
I am trying to explore openproject and have found that “Remaining hours” is pretty much exactly the same thing as “Estimated time” in a work package.
If I log time on a work package I would expect that the remaining ours field would change automatically or at least that I would have a field at my disposal to update it (like in redmine when logging time on an issue). However, the only way I have found to update the remaining ours is by updating the work package. It seems kinda cumbersome to me personally.
Is it by design or am I missing something?
Also, it would be nice if there was some way of linking the %done field with the estimated time and the time logged fields so that it is calculated automatically.
Here is an example of what I mean:
I create a new work package, with an estimate time of 10 hours. I log 5 hours on this package and based on these two details, remaining hours is calculated to 5 hours and done is automatically calculated to 50.
Thank you,
Replies (3)
I am also interested in this matter.
Can anyone comment on this please ?
Many thanks.
Hi there,
I was also wondering, whether this functionality is planned or already implemented but somehow hidden. It is a simple automatism that would save the users a lot of effort.
Hello everyone,
this feature has not been implemented yet.
There is however a feature request covering the relationship between the estimated time, logged time and % done in the Wish List:
Feel free to check whether this meets your requirements and add any additional suggestions as comment (e.g. regarding the remaining hours).
Best regards,