Added by Jay Kay over 10 years ago
We have a tree of projects and subprojects which corresponds to our breakdown of tasks.
When someone identifies and submits a “Problem” (which is a type of Work Package), it may create several “Actions” (another type of Work Package) which are necessary to remedy the situation. These Actions are typically in different subprojects (different places in the tree).
However, it seems we cannot link these together using the “Related Work Packages” (or “Work Package Heirarchy”) functionality, because they’re not in the same subproject.
1. Is this possible, and I simply haven’t figured out how to use it properly?
2. If not, is this a bug?
3. If not a bug, then what is the intended way to do this (connecting Work Packages across different subprojects)?
4. If not a bug, and there is no intended way to do this, then what is the intended use of the Related Work Packages/Work Package Heirarchy?
Thanks in advance!
Replies (2)
Hi Jay,
you can activate cross-project relations in the admin section:
Module -> Administration -> Configuration -> Settings -> Work Package Tracking -> “Allow cross-project work package relations”
Oh, brilliant! Thanks very much for that!