Update Start and End Date using Excel
Added by Camillo Gioè about 2 years ago
Hi all,
I'm using the Openproject excel interface ( about the initial setup of a new project. All works well but I have many problems when I want to set Start Date, End Date and related Duration fields. In particular, I think there is a bug related to che date format which is sent via API to Openproject. In fact, I before set these informations using the Openproject website, then I download workpackages in Excel and finally, without performing any changes, I update the workpackages using the Excel macro. In this case the updateStatus (the specific column in Excel) reports an error similar to the following (is similar for my translation which would be not perfect)
422 - Multiple field constraints have been violated (Details: {"_type":"Error","errorIdentifier":"urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:MultipleErrors","message":"Più vincoli di campo sono stati violati.","_embedded":{"errors":[{"_type":"Error","errorIdentifier":"urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:PropertyConstraintViolation","message":"**End date must be later than or equal to the start date**.","_embedded":{"details":{"attribute":"dueDate"}}},{"_type":"Error","errorIdentifier":"urn:openproject-org:api:v3:errors:PropertyConstraintViolation","message":"**Duration is greater than the interval between the start date and the end date**.","_embedded":{"details":{"attribute":"duration"}}}]}})
If i don't change nothing respect to the workpackages I downloaded, why does this issue occur??? Does anybody have experience with this problem? Many thanks in advance