Added by ciuino magno about 10 years ago
Hi guys, i’ve installed openproject (3.1 pre) via repository (ubuntu 12.04) and installed all the plugins, now when i create a work package i can’t change the status and it show me only the default value
it’s a bug or there is a method to change status?
Replies (21)
Hello ciuino,
yes it sounds like a bug.
If you use a pre version of OpenProject the chance to find a bug are very high and we can’t guarantee stability but we will find and fix the most of them before we release the next version.
For production use we strongly recommend the usage of the stable branch. The dev branch (pre version) should be used for development and for brave ;)
Thanks for the advice
where can i find the stable branch in site ? in the 3.0.1 version is 3.1pre…
I Installed the 3.0.4 version, but there is the same bug…
I confirm this happening on 3.0.8 as well. Only the default value can be set when a plugin is installed. When I change the default value, the selectable value in the workpackage changes to the new default value as well.
This doesn’t occur on the demo instances, even though all plugins are installed there. What could possibly be the reason for that?
Try to reinstall the plugins. This worked for me, even without changing anything in the database (-> no data loss).
Backup your changed files (probably config/configuration.yml, config/database.yml, config/environments/production.rb, Gemfile.plugins) to a folder outside (
cp filename ..
). Then rungit clean -df
andgit checkout -- .
. Copy the files back, runbundle install
followed byRAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
. NowRAILS_ENV=production bundle exec server run
, hope that helps.I did as you told me, and I set all the parameters of the project, and re-appeared all variables, thanks for the support :)
I have the same issue but for the stable environment
I have tested with and without the plugins and I still cannot get a dropdown.
I have deleted the work package types and re-added them, but no change.
I have tried the following as well
I get the message
Your branch is up-to-date with ‘origin/stable’
Is there something else I can try ?
Hello all,
to change the status of a work packages you have to have a proper workflow. A workflow defines the possible status transitions of a work package type depending on your role in the project.
You can setup such a workflow in the admin area. Create a wp typ than go to workflow and select the role, wp typ and click on edit. In this view you can define the workflow. To allow all status transitions just check all checkboxes (e.g. with checkmark in the upper left corner of the table).
There is no difference between dev or stable branch in how to setup a workflow.
I fixed the setup and now it works
Hi Brendan
What exactly did you do?
I am still struggling with this issue.
create a Role (e.g. Developer)
create some work package statuses (e.g. new, in development, developed, resolved)
create a work package typ (e.g. Bug)
Got to ‘Workflows’ in the admin area
Select Role (Developer) select Type (Bug) and hit the edit button (uncheck ‘Only display statuses that are used by this type’)
Hit the checkmark in the upper left corner of the table
Click on save
update: Add a user as a member to a project with role Developer
This will allow all status transitions for a developer on a work package of the type Bug.
You can adapt the workflow to the current workflow of your company
e.g. only allow developers to change the status from new -> in development -> developed
and allow a tester the transition from developed -> resolved
Thanks Ratzi for the reply.
I just followed your explanation but unfortunately without success.
When I add a new work package, the drop-down box “Status” is purely a “-”. Consequently I cannot complete the new work package as “Status” is a mandatory field.
I have also carried out the following, also without success:
Thanks again and kind regards
My problem was a noob mistake.
I did not associate the “Admin” user (and role) to the project hence the workflow did not work.
As Ratzi is saying, the symptom is in the workflow but the cause was with assigning a workflow through a role to the user.
Thanks Brendan
I missed this important step.
Hi guys, i solved the problem easly by setting all the project options, and administator options;
I think it’s a bug, but for now it works…
Hello ciuino,
it’s not bug but complicated if you do it the first time and there is no documentation about workflows currently. We will create one once there is a bit “free” time.
Well, good to know;
i’ll wait you in the next questions, bye :)
Well, I don’t appear to understand this.
I don’t even have a drop-down box to operate, it’s simply not there. I have tried all possible combinations of assigning work-flows, roles, users, groups… to a project and I still have no drop-down box available.
Is this really that complicated? Can someone post a step-by-step description of how to go about this. I would like to rule out possible errors with my build.
I have just attached “setup” a cheat sheet I created.
It gets a standard, out of the box OP going with a couple of minor changes.
You then get to see how it works.
Please be aware that I am an OP noob. I created the cheat sheet so I could reliably get a project server going.
The application is very flexible and these set of instructions do not get into any of those details.
I will not have set this up in the most optimal way as I am still learning but it will get you a project mgt tool.
I have also attached the latest version of how to create an ubuntu OP production server. I have run this more than 5 times and it is solid.
Thanks a lot Brendan, your documentation is a great help.
I have worked through your notes and have learned a lot about openproject. But unfortunately I still have no status drop-down box on work package available.
Additionally I am now also getting a Error 500 when selecting Backlogs. But that, I believe, is a different issue.
Best wishes
Problem solved. I reinstalled/configured the database and went again through the setup procedure. Now everything appears to be working as expected. That’s great, but I am not sure where I went wrong in the first place. Anyhow, it works. Brendan, your documentation is first class! Thanks for that :+1: