Added by Felix Gorschlüter over 2 years ago
Can I set the durations (not the dates) of tasks etc. in OpenProject in such a way that they "block time"? You can sequence tasks: "A" must be finished before "B" can start. I also can tell "A": you need 40 hours, but in the Gantt chart OpenProject then packs "B" one day after "A". Maybe I have to tell the project what my framework conditions are, namely: one person works 8 hours a day, and thus one week should be blocked.
Sure, I can say: "A" lasts from June 6th until June 12th, but if something changes in the project chain before "A", the whole Gantt chart doesn't shift, because a fixed start date was given.
In other words, is it possible to generate a Gantt chart from:
a fixed starting point in time
tasks that have durations (1 week, 5 weeks...)
orders / relationships between the tasks
Replies (1)
Duration fields can now appear in Performance Summary Dashboards, as part of Excel Reports and they can have Performance Standards created for them.
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