Added by Yasmin Osman almost 11 years ago
I am able to use a test option of OpenProject which I have been using online. I would like to download it as well…what would be the benefit of downloading OpenProject and using it locally? Does this allow further customization? Or does it just take the project information offline?
Thank you.
Replies (1)
if you are a rails developer, you certainly can modify OpenProject if you have a custom installation (it would be great if you contribute your changes back if it is of interest to a wider audience. If not, I’d recommend to write an OpenProject plugin instead of changing the OpenProject source itself).
In the case that you are not a rails developer, the advantage is that your data is located on your system (it gives you potential privacy). Furthermore, you could have your own set of plugins.
The obvious downside is that you have to maintain your installation (install updates, pay for a server, etc.).