Added by Semyon Sobolev almost 11 years ago
I can’t find information about how does progress % is measured?
What’s the difference between “Calculate the issue done ratio with” option in project settings?
Sorry for such silly quoestions, but I’m going to set up OpenProject for my friend’s company and I have to understand everything. Also I hope I could help with translation, so I should understand context of words.
Thank you.
Replies (14)
Hello Semyon,
how the progress is calculated is configurable and gives you three options to track your progress:
Currently, this is a global setting, that means you have to decide how to track your progress for all of your projects. You can change these tracking-options under Modules > Administration > Settings > Work package Tracking (see the attached screenshot).
Hope this clarifies the issues, don’t hesitate to ask if things still remain unclear.
Best Regards
Hey Everyone!
I also got a question regarding the calculation of the progress. My question targets the calculation of the parent work package, which relies on the children if I understood correctly. Please see my screenshot in attachment. I don’t understand how the “50%” of the parent work package are calculated.
Is there any documentation how the algorithm works?
I want to either use the setting “Use the work package field” or “Use the work package status”. Both would be fine for me.
Thank you in advance!
Hey Stefan,
the progress of parent work packages is calculated based on the progress of its child work packages (weighted by the estimated time).
If you have this structure:
- Parent work package
— Child work package 1 (estimated time: 3 hours, progress: 0% )
— Child work package 2 (estimated time: 7 hours, progress: 100%)
Then the progress of the parent work package is going to be 70% (0% * 3 hours / (3 hours + 7 hours) + 100% * 7 hours / (3 hours + 7 hours)).
The precondition is that the option “Use work package field” is activated (otherwise the progress for the parent work package is set based on the selected status) as Stefan Frank stated.
Best regards,
Hey Robin,
thanks for you explaination!
Hi, thanks for the explanation above.
I have one more question though.
Is it possible for the progress % to derive from work package status?
For instance, I use simple flow with 3 possible statuses: New, In progress, Done.
And I'd like to setup the system calculating the progress based on simple rule:
New = 0%
In progress = 50%
Done = 100%.
Is there a way to setup it?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Hi Nataly,
yes - that is possible. Go to
System Admistration > Work Package tracking
and select "Use the work package status" for the Calculate the work package done ratio with option.Then, each status can be assigned a progress that is applied whenever moving to that status. You can select the value for each status through
Administration > Work package statuses
Hi Oliver, huge thanks for the fast response!
Found it, works as a magic!
Thanks for the great tool!
I wish there was a fourth option where the progress was calculated from the ratio between Spent Hours and Estimated Hours! Is that something that is planned maybe?
All the best,
Hi Anton,
We have quite a similar feature request (progress to be calculated between estimated time and remaining hours): #29062.
There is also a feature request to calculate the remaining hours based on estimated time and spent time: #22800.
In combination these two feature requests should be quite close to what you are looking for.
Thank you Robin!
I played around with the progress bar and set up a lot of percentage values for each status. The calculation will be triggered after a status change was made.
Now I decided to just use 0% and 100% and eliminate all other percentage settings. Unfortunately the progress bar keeps the "old" calculation. I have to change the status back and forward for the recalculation.
Is there a way to update all progress calculations in the background without changing the status for each task?
Dear Rainer,
to avoid changing the progress of existing tasks by accident, the progress caluclations won't change automatically when you set new percentage settings. So, no there's no way to do that.
Kind regards
Hello Community,
I still seem to have a problem with progress. As you can see from attached pictures, most children are closed and the still parent task is still not updated with the correct percentage. Am I missing something here?
I wonder how can i report progress value of a project to a BI Dashboard, is the value of total progress is stored on database or calculed in Front-End once we check the "Roadmap" section ?