Added by ravenous bugblatterbeast almost 4 years ago
everytime I add an SVG image to the Wiki it uses 100% width and does not work along with the index macro. Is there a way to change the display style of an SVG image?
Even though the image does not use the full width, the yellow frame (visible in edit mode) takes the full width of the content. I do not need to have text floating around the image, but it would be nice if I could have an image next to the page index. Additionally I have some svgs that I would like to scale down when I display them in the wiki.
Thanks and kind regards
Replies (6)
somehow I never got to see the additional image menu until now. In my workflow it just didn't show up. Possibly because I inserted the images by editing markdown (I don't know how to insert SVGs any other way). Now that I've stumbled on it by mere accident I see that I can scale down images to 50% or 75%.
Issue is resolved.
I am currently looking for a way to embed SVGs in my wiki, but somehow, it does not seem to work for me. I you dont't mind, could you tell me, how exactly you embedded the SVG as you did in this post?
I assume you did the following:

Hi Jan,
yes, that's exactly how it works. However, you have to tell OpenProject that .svg is an accepted image extension before you're able to do it. You can't do it in the administration panel. I had to add the extension to a configuration file.
Right now, I can't remember which file it was. Let me look into it.
I can't find the configuration file. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong and it was an update... I am absolutely sure though, that it didn't work right away.
it was an update!
it should work from version 7.4.0
Thank for the quick reply. Guess I'll open a ticket or post this in the forum, since I find it rather useful to work with SVGs instead of pngs oder jpgs.
ravenous bugblatterbeast wrote:
Thanks for the information, I will try to figure it out for more. Keep sharing such informative post.