Added by peter gervai almost 4 years ago
Is it right that there is no search in this forum?
When I have a question it seems prudent to search first for the same question, not to pollute the forum with repeated messages. I see no search feature, the top right search seem to search only in work packages. Are people expect just ask, without first looking?
Replies (2)
And now that I can search for my own message it turned out that search works the way that I ought to
I am not sure this is "intuitive", but I have to confess that seems to work, provided I already figured out where to look. :-)
You are right, it is not that intuitive, but the fast way is to click ? mark at the right top, then the Community forum, then search, and use "In all projects" for getting all possible results.
What is good though, it really works.