Added by Thyrrel Schendzielorz almost 4 years ago
project templates are now available in OP. That's awesome and a feature my team was waiting for!
Unfortunately the members of the template are used for the new project. This leads to problems because every new project has different members.
This problem would be solved, if OP-users which are allowed to open new projects would automatically and by default become project-admin member when saving the project. I think this would be an advantage too when opening new projects without using templates to avoid issues when members are not set for a new project.
Replies (10)
This is already possible: You can decide which role a user gets when creating a new project this way. The user creating a project from a template will keep his/her role in the template project and get the defined role (e.g. project admin) on top.
I recommend to add users to template projects only as part of a group. This way it needs only a few clicks to remove all the unwanted members stemming from the template project.
Kind regards
Hello Matthias,
thanks a lot for your answer.
Unfortunately our groups are very dynamic which leads to the problem that we either need a lot of templates for different groups or nearly everybody is a Member in the template project which leads to a lot of invitation-mails when generating a new project based on a template with a lot of members.
Every member gets a mail that he/she is Member of the new project before the initiator of the project gets the chance to remove the not wanted Members.
If there would be the possibility to either create a new template-based project for everyone with the right for creating projects, member or not in the template, this would help a lot.
I hope to have made my issue a little bit clearer. Maybe I'm wrong and missed something.
So what you would need is something like a user interface that asks you which of the members of the template project to keep, before the new project is created, I guess?
If you need this or something else please feel free to submit a feature idea!
Kind regards
Not exactly.
My suggestion would be to give the "creator" of the new project the choice between copying the "original members" (from the template) to the new project, to edit the members or just to add himself as creator (and later decide which members should be in the new project).
In any case a OP-user, which has the global right to generate new projects should be able to use any project-template without the need of beeing member of the project-template used for the new project.
I wonder that nobody else has the same problems with project-templates.
I have exactly the same problem : all members of a template are copied for a new project using this template.
Either solution proposed would work for us, which are mostly similar :
Was a feature idea already submitted?
Hello Guillaume!
Currently, if you do not want to copy the members of your template project to your new project, you can de-select this at the copy options when you create a project. (Screenshot) The new project will be created without any members. I guess that is quite similar to your second proposed option?
Yes, but sometimes I can have a template with tasks already assigned to a user. For example a template for a marketing demand which anyone can have access. When the copy options for project members is deselected, the tasks in the new project are then deleted. Would there also be a way that the copy option is deselected by default because users that create projects from templates don't always remember to remove project members.
If you are working with a template project that has work packages assigned to a specific member, OpenProject assumes that this user always has to be assignee for these certain work packages. That's why the member is assigned to a template work package in first place. Hence, if you do not want members to be copied, their work packages also wont be copied.
I am afraid that is currently not possible. You maybe could add a short warning text in the template projects description (e.g. "Make sure to deselect "members" in the copy options") which will also be displayed in the Advanced settings when you copy a project. Just as an additional hint.
Work packages with budgets set to them are not duplicated; instead, the copying procedure encounters an error. I was able to locate the pertinent faults in the server logs.
openproject config:set OPENPROJECT_SMTP__OPENSSL__VERIFY__MODE=none
geometry dash lite
Thanks a bunch for the information! Your input has been instrumental in helping me understand the subject better. NCEdCloud