Added by Kristoffer Føllesdal about 4 years ago
Is it possible to set default status for each workpackge type?
Problem: At the moment you chose one default work package status (e.g New) for all work package types. If you have a work package type that do not have this status as allowed, it will get this value by default when created, if you do not change it. Is it possible to set default work package status for each work package type?
Replies (4)
Hello Kristoffer,
Thank you very much for your question.
Unfortunately it is not possible to create a default work package status for each work package type. Otherwise, if you would change the work package type to one with a different default status, the status would be invalid.
Kind regards
Hey thank you for this answer it is very helpful.
Samantha Machon wrote:
Actually, it will be like this for any non-default work package status that is not shared between the two given work package types. Thus having the same behavior for default and non-default work package statuses looks consistent. In other words, possibility to specify the default status per work package type looks quite logical and helpful.
This discussion here seems related, so I drop the link to the bug: