Added by ravenous bugblatterbeast about 4 years ago
Transformation from _text_ to italic is a pain in a software development project. When discussing source code issues you want to quote function calls and variables and you don't want to avoid the underscore and the asterisk characters. Is there a way to disable the transformation to bold, italic etc.?
I'd like to have _text_ or *text* work without having to use [ctrl + z] all the time.
Replies (3)
do you already know the "insert code" feature of the text editor?
Could this maybe be helpful for you?
Kind regards
Hello Matthias,
thanks for your reply. I was already using that and of course you are right: the problem does not apply to the code snippets. However that doesn't help if you want to mention for example the name of a variable with underscores in the normal text.
Nevertheless, your suggestion helped me finding an even better solution. I must apologise for being so ignorant and not seeing that there are more editor option than those I've seen on the split window.
I didn't realise that there was an option to directly edit mark down text! There I can escape underscores with a backslash. That is exactly what I needed.
That solves the issue for me.
I'm glad we could solve this together!
Kind regards