Added by andrea olivotto about 10 years ago
It could be very useful to have a comparison of estimated time ad real spent time.
This comparison could be some or all of these:
- a spent time column in work packages (already in the wish list, I see);
- a “report” (a modification of cost report? brand new feature?);
- a graphical tool, like an histogram for each work package of a version/sprint/project;
- on a timeline, bars could be half green (estimated) and red (spent).
In this way, at the end of a version, it’s possible to see the work packages that went well and the ones with too much delay.
Replies (5)
Hi Andrea,
The Open Project have a feature to set a comparative TimeLine. Do you tried it?
But, by mine experience, this comparative timeline isn’t so helpful. Because it show us a comparative with a specific period (day, weeks, etc..). It hasn’t a choice to set a simple baseline (that show us a comparison between planned and realized work packages…
I liked of your ideas too… especially “- a ”report" (a modification of cost report? brand new feature?);"
Alexandre Trindade
Is there any way to include the 'Estimated time' for the selected work package in this 'Cost Report' as an attribute to include? This can be irrespective of the time period selected by the user for the report, but if this additional field for Estimated time is included the user can compare the estimated vs. spent and also by selecting appropriate time period using already available report filter options.
This thread is 6 years old - it confused me at first! The spent time column is now available in Work Packages
In the work packages list you can create a new view that can help with progress checking. Use columns Subject, Type, Assignee, Estimated time, Start date, Finish date, Remaining hours and Spent time. Add a new Phase as a parent of a set of tasks, then that phase row will show the totals of estimated time, remaining time and spent time. You can have a phase for the whole project.
Hi Ivan Griggs
Yes, the estimated time and spent time can be viewed in the work packages list.
But the requirement is to view the estimated time for the work packages when listed in the Cost Reports pages as an attribute.
In the Workpackage view, I cannot filter and view the Work packages that were worked between a selected period. This can be only viewed in the Cost Reports. In the Cost reports, I can only see the logged hours and not the Estimated time for the respective Work Package
Sorry, I thought that I would offer something similar that you can use now. The only other choice that I can offer is to export the Work Packages to Excel and manipulate the data there (
I would guess that to get what you want you will need to create a Bug Report ( or a Feature Request (