Added by Thomas CHALMEL about 4 years ago
How to set "work load" ("charge" in french) and "deadlines" ("délais" in french) on a task ? (I'dont find how to do this...
I'm planning a new projetc, and need to creat some task.
A Teams for a task engaged to deliver this task on a specifique duration (5 days) for a specific workload (cost 1.5 days)
On Openproject i'v found how to set the workload cost but not the duration ...
My project is not yet run, i'm planing it, so i have not yet real date for my diferents task.
How to set this information ?
Replies (1)
Hi Thomas,
for the work load you could use the attribute "Estimated time" and for the duration you could add a custom field "Duration" ( I'm sorry I don't know the French words for this.
You could also show the duration by simply setting a start date and finish date for the task.
Kind regards