Added by Frédéric BACHELIN over 4 years ago
I Tried many times to save the work packages order in the gantt wiew, I select manual ordering but it turns to automaticaly eachtime I refresh. I drag and drop work packages in a specific order, phase, tasks and milestone, but i loose everything if i refresh,
It should be not allowed on the free version, so I tryed it also on the enterprise cloud free trial version and have the same problem.
have a look on the screenshots please.
Thank you.
Replies (6)
Hi Bachelin,
did you save your query?
Thank you Niels,
Yes, i think so, I clicked on the floppy at the upper left.
Can you please create a small video showing the problem? What version are you using? I can confirm it is not a premium feature.
The version must be the 11.0.2 because the only "update available" is 11.0.3. I don't have any tool to make a video but I just made a complete description in a joining word document, I hope it will be clear.
But, I just find it, Do I have to create a public view of this gantt with the option "save as" ?
Looks like, you click always on the "default" Gantt view, this is not editable. You must have the same view under "private" with the same name as the default view; this should have the right order.
Hi, you're right ! Thank you.