Added by Surendra Gupta almost 4 years ago
I am Using Open Project 10 and we are not getting emails for workpakage updation and task updation could any one help me to resove thisĀ
Note : IN setting > Email Notification i have activated all the parameters
Replies (7)
Did you send test email? There is such an option.
Piotr F wrote:
Yes Testmail is Working fine
Yes, don't working for me also... And I don't see in log-file nothing. Maybe this bug new version...
Hi Surendra, hi Anton,
Have you checked if the background job (cron job) is activated and configured correctly?
Emails for work package updates are sent a different way than e.g. the test email. That's why it's important to check the cron job.
Ok, I testing tomorrow, thank you
I don't understand this:
*/1 * * * * cd /home/openproject/openproject; /home/openproject/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.5/wrappers/rake jobs:workoff
Where find location "rake "? And why I installing "rbenv", but here "rvm"?
Sorry my bad Engilsh, thanks
All ok!!!
*/1 * * * * cd /home/openproject/openproject; . ~/.profile; RAILS_ENV="production" bundle exec rake jobs:workoff
Thank you!