This Alternative Can Make You Surprising With Its Replacement
Added by christian bale over 4 years ago
This Alternative Can Make You Surprising With Its Replacement
The tripod makes the conversion quick, easy, and accurate. You only have to turn the handle a few times in both directions, and you can start working on the next shelf. A tripod is also useful in the reverse case when you need to maintain a fixed height while moving the laser around the room.
If the floor is relatively flat, the laser line remains unchanged even if you lift the tripod and move a few steps along the wall. An example of this would be a ceiling setting or a horizontal line drawing on a wall.
✈✈✈ Check out Best Self Leveling Laser Level - Top 10 Laser Levels for more useful information

Which is the best laser level that fits your needs?
What is the replacement if I own a laser level without a tripod?
If you are in one of the situations described above but do not have a tripod, ask yourself how to use the laser plane without a tripod. Fortunately, there are some excellent alternatives. Some are simple facial palms. Others might say it's a little more creative! Here are some of the most common solutions I've found for using laser levels without a tripod:
Use a ladder
A ladder is the best alternative for both tripod use cases, we discussed: if you want the height to be constant but change position and if you want the place to be consistent but change the height. Aside from being a little awkward to move, the biggest problem with ladders is that the steps' height somewhat limits your height options. You can overcome this by stacking pads like boards, books, and paper below the laser level. This way, you can get precisely the height you need.
Pro tip: stick it on!
When you have brought your laser position to the desired height, stick it on! If the laser is in a thin step on a nicely balanced stack of books, you will be asking for trouble. Obtain duct tape (duct tape or duct tape should work properly) and ensure laser safety before you start working.
A drop of a few feet on the hard floor is enough to kill some laser levels. And even if you have a robust laser, drops like this will dislodge it over time. A few drops and your self-balancing function will quickly lose its precision. Just stick it on, so you don't have to worry.
➭➭➭ Latest Reading: Top Laser Level Reviews

The slower you choose, the better you make a choice.
A few affordable tripods to think about
Another clue is that tripod prices have dropped significantly in recent years, so you don't even have to learn how to use laser levels without a tripod. You can find a suitable solution that fits your budget. Here are some of my favorite affordable laser tripods, all at the time of writing for less than $ 50. Hopefully, you will see something that suits your needs:
- Johnson Level & Tool 40-6880: 24-65 inches, only 1/4 ″ -20 equipped with adapter 5/8 -11
- Bosch BT 150: 22-61 inch, thread 1/4 "-20
- Dewalt DW0737: 38-60 inches, thread 5/8 ″ -11
I hope this article has helped you answer what is the best laser level to buy and examine your alternatives to using a laser level without a tripod. Please contact me if you have any questions. And if you think your laser level has a different use, send me a message, so I know what it is. I like to hear about all the creative applications people find for their laser levels.
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