Added by Piotr F over 4 years ago
The newest OP, Community Ed.
Here is what I get:
sudo openproject run backup
* Generating database backup...touch: cannot touch '/var/db/openproject/backup/postgresql-dump-20201001202126.pgdump': Permission denied
./packaging/scripts/backup: line 14: /var/db/openproject/backup/postgresql-dump-20201001202126.pgdump: Permission denied
Needless to say, I do it as a root.
I am surprised, as I did it in the past, on the same VPS.
OP newest.
Anybody any clue, help?
Replies (3)
Still nothing, cannot do it. Reconfigured, and also null.
Here is prompt:
[root@1111 ~]# su - openproject
openproject@1111:~$ psql
psql (10.14 (Ubuntu 10.14-1.pgdg18.04+1))
Type "help" for help.
openproject-# \q
openproject@1111:~$ sudo openproject run backup
[sudo] password for openproject:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for openproject:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for openproject:
sudo: 2 incorrect password attempts
The problem is that I have just reconfigured, and gave password during the reconf., and if I use it I get what is above: incorrect.
Does anybody know what is going on here? Things are getting complicated as I cannot do a backup.
Also, this db is restored from Google Cloud. Maybe this could help why I cannot do the backup.
The same results are with postgres user.
I believe I might make a mistake in the above description: probably on this new VPS I never did a backup of the restored db. I did, however, of the the db automatically created here during the install of OP. Then I restored a dump from Google Cloud, and as of then never did backup. Seems like this is my first time with it. Maybe it took some settings from the db which was on Google Cloud?
Will appreciate any tips,
Next clues: for some reason, I cannot here do the backup as a root.
Is there any procedure/command to give root all the priviliges to do anything I want with OP?
Other clue: I have made 'openproject' user sudoer, and executed everything like above as openproject. Still get nothing, permission denied.
openproject@1111:~$ sudo openproject run backup
[sudo] password for openproject:
* Generating database backup...touch: cannot touch '/var/db/openproject/backup/postgresql-dump-20201003103630.pgdump': Permission denied
./packaging/scripts/backup: line 14: /var/db/openproject/backup/postgresql-dump-20201003103630.pgdump: Permission denied
The same is with any user, like piotr with sudo. Returns this line 14.
Hello, same issue here, I restored a previously made backup and I'm no more able to execute a backup.
Has anybody solved this issue?