Added by M V over 4 years ago
after end of each end month (or first/second day) in new I am sending invoices to my customers.
I need to know ammount of time spend in customer's project in invoiced month.
It will be great if I could use filter "current month" and "last month" like in Redmine, Clickup and Wrike.
At this moment I need to use "between" filter and manually select range first-last day in month (see attachment). It works, but it is very annoying.
It is not possible to create and save my custom report "last month", because I need to specify from and to date.
Is there any way how can I add current/last month filters?
Replies (2)
I was looking for the same "feature". I guess you have to log it as an "idea" to OpenProject.
Rainer Proehl wrote:
Good idea. Thanks.