Added by Paari Vendhan about 4 years ago
I would like to see an age of any work package. The background is, many tasks remain in new state for teams, so I would guide them to update them (to inprogress or cancel), within specified days. For this, I would like to have age field displayed in views. Any way to achieve this?
Replies (2)
Hi Paari,
you can add the "Created On" or "Updated On" columns. The former is static and is always referring to the date/time the work package got first created. The latter signals when the work package was last updated or commented on.
There are also filters for these two attributes, so you could so "anything older than X days".
Here's a query on community that will give you all tickets that were updated over 100 days ago.
Ok this work around would suffice for now. Thanks.