Added by Thanh Nguyen over 4 years ago
I just learned to use "hypermedia rest api" on openproject
I want use "filter" param with "_links" properties on api but not know how
http:/<my_domain>/target/api/v3/projects/design/work_packages?filters=[{"updatedAt":{"operator":"<>d","values":["2017-06-10T22:00:00Z","2017-07-05T22:00:00Z"]}, "_links":{"type":{"title":{"operator":"=","values":["Box"]}}}]
==> My Question:
params filter. Now, result is not filter for "_links"Help me, please!
Replies (3)
To properly filter by "_links" in a hypermedia API, you'll need to refer to the API documentation provided by OpenProject. Typically, hypermedia APIs like HAL (Hypertext Application Language) will have specific ways of navigating and filtering based on the links available.
Regarding your question about learning b2b API integration for beginners, the link you provided ( seems to be from the book "RESTful Web Clients" by Mike Amundsen. This book is a good resource for understanding RESTful principles, and it covers topics like hypermedia and HAL.