Added by to by almost 5 years ago
Hey there,
I'm trying to decide on project software, which is why I'm getting my feet wet with openproject.
So far I I like it a lot, big plus is the selfhosting option, as we'll use it, but by any means not extensively, which is why most paid versions are out of question (there will be entire months when the software won't be used).
I do have a couple of questions, that I couldn't work out so far:
1. In the Gnatt chart view, is it possible to have a column that has the duration for the task in days? So I can set a beginning date and a duration, and the end date is set automatically?
2. Regarding the days, is it possible to exclude the weekends? (especially interesting if my first request is possible, this way the duration would only take place during work days)
3. Is it possible to add a calender with holydays?
4. Print - so far I saw the option of exporting the Gnatt as a pdf, but it only has a list not the graph. The only other option I could think of is the printing function of the browser.
Is there another way to access the graph of the Gnatt?
Any help hint and advice is greatly appreciated!
Kind regards,