Added by Gustav Ganz almost 5 years ago
We are using openproject 10.4.1 and noticed a strange behaviour in many (maybe all, not sure) projects. It seems that the same phase with the same ID appears multiple times on multiple pages. But not with all subtasks, i.e. to see all subtasks of one phase, the user has to click through all pages and look for all appearances of that phase. That doesn't seem right, is this a bug or some kind of wrong or misconfigured view or filter settings maybe?
I've also noticed this bug, could this be related? The projects that show this behaviour for me have been copied over from other projects.
Hope the attached pics give some insight.
Page 1 shows phase ID 1332 "Workshop Kickoff" with subtask ID 1344 "Klärung Yardprozesse im Bezug auf das Lastenheft".
On page 2, the same phase ID 1332 "Workshop Kickoff" appears, but with subtasks ID 1368 "Erstellung Agenda" and ID 1374 "Arbeiten im Projekt / Openproject CoC".
Replies (1)
Hmm, looks like this is the same (or very similar) issue: