Added by Rob Malerman about 8 years ago
When adding a work package, type phase, I also add a relationship to a prior phase. In this case, as a “preceeded by” relationship.
I am getting the error message: Couldn’t update the resource because of conflicting modifications.
Can anyone help me understand why I am getting this and how to fix it?
Thank you everyone for an amazing tool!
Replies (1)
wow, this has been a bug for 3 years!? I am hitting the same error. There is no way to do anything. How can I just reset whatever those conflicting modifations are? There is no clear way to reset them, or documentation that alludes to what is the context of this error message. Like can I force logout people that have conflicting modifications? Do I have to delete everyone in the project to move forward? Is the like the windows blue screen of death, and only way around it is to just create a new issue that can be modified?
Yes, its such a frustrating usability issue, that I took the effort to create an account here to respond to this...