Work Package Children Not Displaying Correctly
Added by Sam Jenkins almost 5 years ago
We've been using OpenProject self hosted successfully for some time, we're now running 10.5.1 (PostgreSQL).
One of our projects is being used for requirements collection and we currently have 150 work packages. Some are nested as children 3 or 4 levels down.
We have run into a problem where some child work packages aren't being displayed correctly, rather than seeing all of the children under the parent, we see some children under the parent on one page 1, and we see the remaining children under the same parent on page 2.
When this occurs, the text colour of one of parents changes slightly from #333333 to #6C7A89. See snipit below (i cant show too much due to sensitivity):
Item 565 actually has 3 child work packages, but here only 1 is displayed and 565 is grey rather than black. On page 2 we see 565 again (this time black), and the remaining 2 children.
An annoying side effect of this is that we use another numeric ID column which we normally sort on so our requirements are in some kind of logical order. However the sorting does work with this behaviour, making it very difficult to navigate and organise things.
Thanks for any help, Sam.
Replies (5)
Just to add that i believe this has something to do with paging. If i drop down to 20 items per page then this occurs to almost every parent package, if i use 100 per page then it happens to about 4 or 5 parents.
I've just tried with 150 per page (ie. all of them) and the problem goes away. Its a bit slower but i will use this for now until i understand whats going on.
Looks like the same (or very similar) issue I have with Openproject 10.4.1:
Agreed, i think this is the same issue
Gustav Ganz wrote:
I am also having this problem, has anyone found a solution?
April 2024 comunity edition - still a problem. I ahve gegtint this same behaviours. its ia smakign me think the backend databse records are messed up. attached is two screen shots taken from two pages, showign different childs witht he same parenst on two differtn pages.