Added by Jasper Visser over 11 years ago
Hi. I installed openproject on my localhost (as described in the install page). I’m using Postgresql as the database. I logged in as admin, created a user, logged in as that user.
I don’t see any way to create a project. Unlike on, there’s no “Projects” link at the top right. Just the “My Page” link and the two links with icons (question mark and that other thingy). Same as what I see when I log on as admin, really.
Also, this may or may not be related: The topleft “Home” link is listed as:
Home", nil, nil] (yes, with a single bracket, for some reason).
I looked through the logs of the install process. I don’t think anything went wrong. Nothing stands out as an error message.
Any idea?
Replies (4)
Hi Jasper,
the “Projects tab” is only visible when at least one Project exists. You can create a new Project in the admin area by clicking
“Modules” -> “Administration” then select “Projects” from the left menu. On this page you should see “New project” in the top right corner below your username.
Hi Christian,
Thanks; that was the thing I couldn’t find on these pages. :) It seems like it would be good for a clean installation to have a sample project to give people a chance to look around a bit.
Hi Jasper,
in the rails 3 version (branch: feature/rails3) of OpenProject we already have database seeds which generates some default data like users, projects, etc. but only for the development environment.
Hi, I just stepped over your remark regarding the bread crumb.
This sounds like a bug. What OpenProject Version did you install? How did you get this view in the bread crumb, what did you do? Does it appear on every page or just when doing certain things? Can you reconstruct this and add a bug report to the Project?