Added by An Schall about 5 years ago
Dear all,
I am looking for a solution to manage time slots that indicate the members' availability and to share them with others. The ultimate goal is to let other users know when members are available for certain tasks. I tried to use the calendar module. However, the calendar is very tightly connected to work packages etc. Thus, it is not possible to create entities in the calendar that are not linked to an existent work package. Moreover, it seems to be not possible to integrate 3rd party calendars into the openproject calendar.
Do you know of a best practice for this use case?
Thanks in advance.
Replies (4)
Hi An,
Actually I am currenlty working on a concept for a minimal viable change for this problem (minimal because we want to release value as early as possible). Can you please send me more information about your requirements? Also a mock-up are helpful. Do you know a proprietary tools that solves this?
Hi Niels,
sorry for the late reply. Here are my requirements:
We would like to have a calendar-based feature that let individual users allow to create time slots within the calendar that signal to to other members, what the individual user is doing during this time slot, i.e. whether he/she is available or busy.
On a more abstract level, this resembles the "Create task / appointment" function of almost any calendar application: Users can create entities linked to dates, time ranges or even time intervals (recurring events) of the underlying calendar.
A mock-up using Google calendar:
Proprietary tools that solve this: basically any calendar application (Google calendar, Doodle, Outlook calendar, Thunderbird, etc. pp.)
Hi Niels and community,
is there any news regarding the requested functionaility?
I worked with such a function in a ticketing-system. They use a feature called "calendar availability". In my opinion, a really valuable feature.
Multiple (dynamic) calendars
The system was able to manage multiple calendars. Every calendar contained "events" or "recurring events" each with a status "available" or "busy". A calendar was even able to sync the status from other calendars or a dynamic work-package list
(This allowed to create a "superior" holiday- and office-hours calendar which could be inherited from personal calendars).
Determine availability at a given time
As calendars have been assigned to a User, Group, Bot, there are functions to determine the availability of a the owner for a given timestamp. This helped to avoid double bookings
Time available as period
There is also a function to calculate the time elapsed using such a calendar. With a given start- and end-time and calendar, we're able to determine the time unit available.
Create a feature-request?
Would it be interesting to capture this as a feature request? I don't have time (yet) for a detailed description. Maybe someone knows an alternative to use such a flexible solution in OpenProjekt.