Added by Gien Wong over 5 years ago
Why does work package not appear in all projects on the sidebar menu? And when you click on Module button and create a new work package, and you select from project dropdown, why do only certain projects appear and not all of them? My working assumption is that work packages should exist for all projects. I want to be able to assign tasks for each project and I am assuming that is done in work packages. I've made a bunch of projects and some of them have work packages and others don't. I'm not sure what variables are responsible for some projects having work package option and other projects not. I can't find any configuration option that assigns work packages to projects. I find this puzzling. Maybe just a rookie error? Thanks for any help!
Replies (2)
Hi Gien,
can you please check the following things:
Oh thanks so much! When I created the projects, I had the work package option unchecked in all the projects and subprojects I created!